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As a boarding student at BISP, your child will join a safe, caring and supportive community with 24/7 adult supervision. Your child will benefit from a structured, balanced lifestyle, a strong sense of community, a multicultural environment and the opportunity to build friendships for life. BISP boarders enjoy access to a green, tree-lined forty-four-acre campus as well as on-site sporting facilities (two swimming pools, football fields, sports hall, tennis courts, golf course). The academic buildings are just a three-minute walk across the campus, and we make the most of our tropical island location with supervised weekend boarding trips.

Our dedicated, experienced boarding team invites you to find out more about boarding at BISP below.


A safe, secure environment

Parents of BISP boarding students have assured peace of mind in the knowledge that their children are cared for in a safe, secure environment. The campus itself employs cutting edge facial recognition technology for all-access, with individual boarding houses requiring further key-card verification.

A nurse remains on campus providing 24/7care, supported by BISP’s partnership with the private Bangkok Hospital, Phuket. Each boarding house is managed by a full-time house parent and assistant house parent.

When we made the decision to send our child to boarding school, safety was the most important factor. Naturally, we were worried about the safety of our child, but after meeting the dorm parents and staff, we were confident that we made the right decision. They answered all of my questions and addressed my concerns. I’m grateful for their patience and understanding. They encouraged me to call anytime and each time I did, I was welcomed with empathy and assurance.

Flo – BISP Parent

A structured lifestyle

The boarding experience provides the foundations of a structured approach to life. Students learn the importance of routine and how to manage their time effectively. The boarding lifestyle focuses on balance; this balance of academics, extra-curricular activities and social downtime with friends becomes the norm.

Thanks to this approach, boarding students develop essential life skills for University and beyond including personal organisation skills as well as taking accountability for each and every choice they make along the way.

Comfortable environment

All young people need a safe haven to escape to at times, and BISP boarders enjoy the privacy of their own personal study bedroom; a private space that they can use flexibly and can personalise to suit their school day and weekend downtime. Each room is equipped with a single bed, study desk, wardrobe, chest of drawers and boasts ample space for decoration and home from home personal touches. Older students also enjoy access to en suite bathroom facilities.

BISP boarding houses feature large communal spaces in which students can relax, study and socialise together.

BISP on your doorstep

The BISP boarding houses are situated on the forty-four-acre BISP campus, allowing students ease of access to academic, sporting, recreational and dining facilities offered by this extraordinary site. This ease of access enables students to focus on what’s important to them; their academics, extra-curricular activities and social life with friends, rather than a pre-school and afternoon commute in busy traffic.

The wide, open green space of the campus is an essential element of wellbeing for our boarders. It is easy to get outdoors, enjoy a run, cycle or walk, enjoy time in nature or have a picnic with friends.

Multi-cultural community

With over sixty student nationalities at BISP, boarders become part of a diverse multi-cultural community. This breadth of cultural backgrounds encourages open-mindedness, adaptability, and an appreciation for the perspectives of others, as well as expanding student horizons.

BISP boarders have the opportunity to make friends for life as well as assume both personal and social accountability within their international community. The BISP boarding community becomes a support network for life; a global family with shared and treasured memories.

Phuket – an island home

BISP boarding students engage fully with their island surroundings, participating in numerous community projects as well as island-wide leisure activities throughout the year. Service activities ensure that boarders give back to their island home community while increasing their appreciation for their own opportunities and blessings.

Leisure activities on the island focus on the outdoors. Year-round sunshine allows for activities taking full advantage of the natural environment and stunning beaches. This in turn impacts positively on student well-being. Students also enjoy visits to modern malls with cinemas and restaurants, as well as smaller local eateries and coffee shops.

House parents

Houseparents are trained staff members, acting in loco-parentis and dedicated to the care of each and every boarding student. This multi-cultural team provides everything though from a listening ear, a hug when needed or an adult to confide in when a boarder is having a tough time or facing a difficult choice. They are the boarders’ family away from home. Houseparents are there to celebrate the birthdays and successes of each student. Their duty of care is dedicated 24/7, it does not stop when they go off duty.


"British International School, Phuket (BISP) provides an excellent learning atmosphere for children while maintaining a fine balance between their academic achievements as well as extra-curricular activities. The Boarding at BISP provides a highly safe and secure environment for the children. It is managed very professionally by a dedicated, committed and professionally competent team. "

Vijay Nehra

Father of a Year 8 Boarding student at BISP

"The procedures and protocols in place at the BISP Boarding are well defined and they help in creating a non-intrusive but foolproof security system in place. The Boarding community at BISP is a small and close-knit community. I am very happy and satisfied that my daughter is part of this caring community and I feel that BISP Boarding provides a very safe and secure environment for her to learn and grow."

Vijay Nehra

Father of a Year 8 Boarding student at BISP

"Even during the very challenging scenario arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic, the BISP Boarding community has risen to the challenge and put in place adequate safeguards for the health and wellbeing of the children in the Boarding. "

Vijay Nehra

Father of a Year 8 Boarding student at BISP

"I wish to put on record my appreciation and gratitude towards all faculty members and support staff who are managing the BISP Boarding so efficiently. It is entirely due to their efforts and the resulting safe and secure environment at the BISP Boarding that parents like me can feel reassured about the safety of their children even while being thousands of miles away in another country. "

Vijay Nehra

Father of a Year 8 Boarding student at BISP

"When we made the decision to send our child to boarding school, safety was the most important factor. Naturally, we were worried about the safety of our child, but after meeting the dorm parents and staff, we were confident that we made the right decision. They answered all of my questions and addressed my concerns. I’m grateful for their patience and understanding. They encouraged me to call anytime and each time I did, I was welcomed with empathy and assurance. "


BISP Parent

"The strict policies and procedures at BISP ensure that the boarders are safe at all times. The boarders are accounted for every night and a dorm parent is on-site 24 hours a day. The security at the gate monitors all visitors entering the campus and identification is required. Boarders are strictly prohibited from leaving the campus without proper permission from BISP and authorization from their parents."


BISP Parent

"Nothing can replace the warmth of home, but BISP does an exceptional job caring for my child as if she were their own. Even with the circumstances that are changing inside and outside of the country, BISP continues to monitor the situation to minimize all risks and maintain a safe environment."


BISP Parent

"From the bottom of my heart, boarding school has been a great experience for my children and my family. It has brought us even closer. Chuan has made so much progress in less than 2 years. His maturity and continuous improvement reflect that he has excelled in the environment. It is the best choice we could have made."


BISP Parent

"I can confirm that the most important value of BISP is that it makes every effort to create the most favourable conditions for studying, sports and leisure. With always in mind that students' safety is always a number one priority at BISP. "

Edvardas Rutkauskas

BISP Parent

"BISP boarding house has been my son’s, Matti, home away from home for almost 4 years now. Being far away from his family, BISP has created a safe and secure place where Matti is able to study as well as enjoy doing activities during his free time. The house parents and the rest of the staff have taken good care of him especially those times when he was sick. While it is hard to have him so far away, I am at peace knowing he has a home at BISP where his overall well being is taken care of. And when he graduates from BISP, Matti will bring with him lessons learned and fond memories of his experience as a boarder at BISP. I have watched him develop and mature as a young man these past years and I am certain boarding at BISP has contributed to this."


BISP Parent

"As a new BISP parent with a child in boarding, I have been extremely impressed with all aspects of BISP, including the safe and secure environment on the campus. I was quite nervous about leaving my son in boarding in another country from where we live, however after a few weeks of interacting with the school and visiting the campus before I left Thailand all my worries disappeared and my son has settled in incredibly quickly and is safe and very happy in this new environment. Key to this has been the clear communication with the boarding team and office who are always available and very responsive to any questions or concerns I had."


BISP Parent

"We joined the school in the middle of Covid while the rules were changing all the time and I feel BISP has done an excellent job of keeping the boarders safe from Covid by frequently reacting to small outbreaks within the school community and arranging for vaccinations for the students. This has all been handled in a well thought out way and my son has carried on enjoying school life throughout. When visiting the school campus I have been impressed with the physical security in place on the campus - it feels at the appropriate level."


BISP Parent

"My son (Y11) and my daughter (Y9) have been part of BISP boarders' family since August 2020 and 2021 respectively. Having both of our children staying away from home for the first time, we were worried about how they will cope with the new environment, their wellbeing and above all, their security and safety at boarding. There were a lot of uncertainties due to the current pandemic and other social ills issues that are normally being associated with boarders everywhere. We are happy and glad to say that our worries are unfounded and we did make the right call for them to join BISP boarding. I believe this is due to the system put in place by BISP specifically to support the boarders with open communications with parents, the support system to assist our children academically and in sports, in their daily life or just to have someone to talk to."

Boniface Lim

BISP Parent

"Each boarding house has their own "house parent", which is a unique set-up to further assist our children. I have a good direct line of communication with our respective house parent, which I appreciate helps a lot to calm our nerves. No request is too difficult for them to deal with. Lastly, BISP boarding is managed by very excellent and trustworthy people who put our children needs above everything else. It's not easy to let others care for our children but it feels like we have a second family who will do exactly that in BISP Boarding. Thank you BISP Boarding management for taking care of our children in a safe and secure manner. I would not hesitate to recommend to other parents to send their children to become a boarder in BISP."

Boniface Lim

BISP Parent


His Majesty Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun