Admissions Overview


There are, of course, many dimensions to the British International School, Phuket not least of which is its multi-national student body, with well over half of the student population coming from outside of Thailand. We hope you will visit and allow us to show you some of the unique aspects of a BISP education that ensures that the whole is far greater than the sum of its impressive parts.

Our Admissions team is available to answer your questions. Whenever possible during a school tour you will be introduced to a few of our senior academic staff.

School Prospectus

British International School, Phuket is open to students of all nationalities

The English language is the medium of learning and teaching at BISP. Those students who require additional English language support are invited to join our Intensive English Programme, delivered as part of the school day. We review a student’s ability and suitability for a place at BISP and will include references to recent reports/transcripts from current and previous schools.

The school seeks to ensure that there is a balance of pupil nationalities and that we maintain our status as a truly ‘international school’.

BISP considers that all students have individual needs and attention to these is part of our educational practice. When students require additional support they are assisted by Learning Support teachers, counsellors or outside external agencies in consultation with parents and appropriate professionals.

Admission to the school and allocation to particular classes are authorised by the Head of Primary and Head of Secondary.

Applications are accepted for entry at any time during the school year.

Statement of Non-Discrimination

British International School, Phuket is committed to the ideal of diversity in its student body and staff. BISP does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, age, religion, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin in the admission and future conduct towards its students or in the recruitment, employment, and promotion of its staff.


For an overview of tuition fees, please visit our School Fees page. An Admissions Officer will be happy to discuss fees and the payment process with you in detail.

School Fees
