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Nursery rhymes play an important role in early childhood development and education. Research shows that if children know 8 nursery rhymes by heart by the age of 4, they go on to achieve high levels of success in reading and spelling in their later school years.

Each year from the 13th to 17th of November, schools around the world celebrate World Nursery Rhyme Week. This year, the challenge was for children to learn 5 official rhymes, including ‘The Wheels on the Bus’, ‘Jack and Jill’, ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’, ‘Row, Row, Row Your Boat’ and ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’.

At BISP, the children in Nursery participated in a number of fun and playful activities, which included learning from their peers in Year 2, a special visit to the Music Room with Ms. Lynne Daniel and nursery rhymes in the water with Coach Luke. In addition to this, the Nursery team found opportunities to sing and rhyme wherever the opportunity arose.

Nursery teacher, Mr. Neil Griffith commented: 

“Nursery rhymes are such an important part of how we teach our children, as they are a simple but very effective way to boost language development, as well as focus on early literacy and numeracy skills.”

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