This term our Year 2 children have been looking at various materials and how the science behind their properties can help us to design and make things. They were fascinated by the story of Eggbert and Eggarina, twin eggs that decided to go on an adventure and travel from Phuket to Bangkok.

The children followed their travels and had to help the twins overcome obstacles. One major obstacle was the twins’ shell, which is too brittle to withstand bumpy roads. Not surprisingly, Eggbert and Eggarina started to crack during their journey.

So the Year 2 children were challenged with the task of creating a special packaging that the eggs could be placed into to prevent them from cracking even further and becoming scrambled eggs! The children got to design and make their packaging and then test it to see if it worked. It was great to see the end result and to reflect on the positives and negatives of their designs. 

 Check out the video below to see if Eggbert and Eggarina lived to tell the tale!

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