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Imogen has been an integral part of the BISP community for the past four years. With an acceptance from the University of Bristol to study Liberal Arts, Imogen is set to embrace interdisciplinary learning at university. Her experiences at BISP have shaped her perspective and future aspirations.

The IB curriculum at BISP has instilled in Imogen a great appreciation for academic breadth, inspiring her to pursue a course that offers a diverse range of subjects. Imogen’s time at BISP has also fostered a deep appreciation for diversity, enriching her interactions and experiences. Imogen’s active involvement in school activities reflects her commitment to personal growth and development.

As Imogen ventures into Liberal Arts at the University of Bristol, her journey at BISP has provided her with a solid foundation for success. The supportive and nurturing environment at BISP has prepared Imogen to embrace the challenges and opportunities of interdisciplinary learning, making her a leader for tomorrow in the realm of Liberal Arts and beyond.