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James, a long-term member of the BISP community for nine years, has offers from the universities of Leeds, which is his top choice, Exeter, York, Reading and Kent. With a keen interest in Business Management and receiving accolades from teachers for his exceptional work habits and level of respect shown, James is poised to excel in his chosen field.

His tenure at BISP has equipped James with invaluable insights into his strengths and areas for growth, preparing him for life beyond school. Serving as the Blue House Colour Team Leader, James has honed his leadership and demonstrated unwavering dedication to fostering unity within the school community.

As James embarks on his academic journey, he credits BISP for nurturing his personal and professional development. With the foundation of skills and values instilled during his time at BISP, James is well-equipped to navigate the challenges of higher education and make a meaningful contribution to the world.