Over the last six weeks, children in Year 3 have been exploring the process of environmental design in their topic Humans Change their Environments for Different Reasons.

The students were asked to brainstorm and select ideas for the development of a plot of empty land next to the BISP tennis courts. 

The learning simulation the teachers created took the children through an entire design process. They had to carry out surveys on the land, graph information and draw conclusions about some of the best development ideas, taking into consideration the benefits and negative aspects of each. The students drew 2D birds-eye views of the plans and wrote persuasive proposal letters before turning their drawings into 3D models using recyclable materials. They then used Minecraft edu to develop their plan in a virtual environment. 

The students had some great ideas on how the land could best be developed and created some intricate 3D models of some wonderful facilities. These included a community centre, fairground, dog training centre, aquarium, hotel, invention centre and entertainment complex.

The children really grasped the concept of their topic and now have a better understanding of the positive and negative aspects of environmental change. Great work Year 3!

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