2022 BISP Eco Week

From the 2nd to the 6th of May, BISP hosted the 2022 Eco Week with the theme of the ‘Earth Bounces Back’ to get Term 3 rolling. The theme ‘Earth Bounces Back’ was selected in order to emphasise the positive aspects seen in the environment due to reduced human activity as a result of COVID 19, and what we can do to maintain this positive trend more intentionally. Despite the numerous environmental issues we see on the island and around the world, there are also many positive news stories that can create a sense of optimism, and inspire us to take action for the planet. During the 2022 Eco Week, the BISP community definitely rose to the occasion. 

I love Eco-week at BISP! It was a fantastic opportunity for us to celebrate and display student achievements from our in-class learning on the importance of the environment, the problems faced and solutions we all need to embrace. I am so pleased that so many students, staff and parents got involved and made it an enriching, thought-provoking and successful event.” – Mrs Mariela Duncan, Assistant Head of Middle School and Geography Teacher

Prior to Eco Week Primary and Secondary staff and students were busy planning activities and projects to be held during the week both in-class and out-of-class as well as some which involve cross-curriculum initiatives and vertical engagement between Primary and Secondary classes and year groups. The BISP PTA also initiated some events which resulted in a week that was full of activities and positive engagement for the environment.

To kick off the week, students from Early Years all the way through Secondary school had special Art sessions where they could paint a leaf, or branch to celebrate eco-week. Their creations, which were made of eco-friendly paint, were then used to decorate the bottom of the trees in the primary area. In Primary, students also had the opportunity to create their own handmade paper, anti-litter posters as well as bird-feeders, and no-sew shopping bags all using recycled materials. 

Year 9 students visited the Year 4 classroom to share the work they have been doing around mangrove forests and this was a great way to inspire student agency in the younger students, as well as promote leadership and communication skills for the older students. In Modern Languages students discussed ‘el medio ambiente’ in their classes. Year 10 ITC students looked at UN goals related to Eco Week and then brainstormed solutions using Code and Hardware to solve problems. 

Year 8 students produced informational leaflets to explain the main causes of climate change and how diet and food choices can help to heal our world.  These leaflets were on display in the main school foyer throughout the week.Year 12 students tried out chocolate cupcakes made with cricket protein! And yes, they really were delicious! 

“The earth is “bouncing back” for a reason. It is bouncing back because humans are changing their bad habits into good or better habits. We need to stimulate this process of change with affirmative action. That could be by changing the vehicle we drive, the type of food we eat or simply by being cleaner and more frugal with our energy use.” – Chris Greene, Head of Modern Languages

One of the major activities included a student-let swap shop event, where Secondary School students were encouraged to bring their pre-loved goods and swap them for new second-hand treasures. The initiative spread the idea that repurposing clothes prevents them from going into a landfill and allows them to be restyled and reused by others. In order to expand the efforts of the swap shop, the BISP Parent Teacher Association PTA organized a Tiny Eco Market on Friday afternoon where the same concept was put into action in the Primary school, allowing students to find clothes in their size as well as toys and books. Both events were a success, with many students getting involved, many items finding new homes and less waste for the environment.

The 2022 Eco Week ended with a PTA organized Beach Clean up where BISP families joined forces on Nai Thon beach to collect litter and enjoy the sand and sea. The week was a great opportunity to focus on the amazing resilience of nature as well as our impact on it. We hope that through the various activities, conversations and learning opportunities presented by Eco Week, we can all make better choices for nature, for ourselves and for the planet, as there is no planet B. 

If you would like to try some of the fun activities that were available to students, linked are some resources for you to explore recycling and repurposing through crafts: Upcycle old CDs, More ideas to upcycle CDs, No-sew bags from old t-shirts, Plastic Bottle Bird Feeders, Use old books to make pencil pots, Plastic Bag Weaving, Toilet Roll Firework Paintings, Toilet Roll Mobile Phone Holder

View Photo Album: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjzPFPE