The Mathematics department at BISP is proud to be hosting the FOBISIA Mathematics competition this year for international schools from across Asia. With over 60 schools already signed up, we’re expecting over 10,000 students to take part in code breaking puzzles in the week-long competition starting on September 18th.  

Competition organiser and Head of Mathematics, Andrew Chambers explained the link between mathematics and code breaking:  

“The skills that make good mathematicians, problem-solving, logical thought and perseverance are the same skills that make great codebreakers.   We’re really excited in the Mathematics department to be able to share our passion for maths with students around the world.”

Fobisia Code breaking Maths Challenge 2023 1

BISP students will pit their wits against school students from countries including Thailand, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia. To complete a level, students must use their wits to crack a selection of fiendish codes as quickly as possible.  When students complete a level they will then be eligible to enter the leaderboard of fame.

Governments and companies that deal in digital data are always on the lookout for talented mathematicians – so who knows, maybe one day some of our students could become professional code makers or code breakers.

We wish all our talented students good luck in their challenges!

Visit the School Code Breaking website to learn more: