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From the 4th to the 8th of March, the British International School, Phuket (BISP) was bustling with excitement as it celebrated Book Week with a series of engaging activities across the school.

One highlight of the week was the whole school Character Dress Up on Thursday, March 7th. Students and staff alike immersed themselves in the world of literature by dressing up as their favourite book characters, bringing the pages of beloved stories to life throughout the school.

In the Primary School, students had the opportunity to engage with literature through various activities. They were treated to World Book Day Guest Readers on Thursday, March 7th, where individuals from the community shared their love for reading with young minds. Additionally, the Bookmark Competition sparked creativity as children designed bookmarks based on the theme ‘Reading Is My Superpower.’ Winners from each year group had their designs published, celebrating their creativity and love for reading.

Another exciting activity was the Guess The Teacher competition, where students from Year 1 to Year 6 had to decipher which teacher was hiding behind the literary clues. This fun challenge not only encouraged students to engage with their teachers but also with the vast world of literature. KS2 students enjoyed Teacher Read Aloud sessions, with recordings of ‘The Day The Screens Went Blank’ by Danny Wallace played during the week. This immersive experience allowed students to delve into the story together, enhancing their appreciation for literature.

In the Secondary School, the festivities continued with a Thursday Dress Up Day and a Library Scavenger Hunt on Tuesday, March 5th. The week also saw the MTB transformed into a Mini Book Fair hosted by Asia Books, offering a selection of books suitable for Key Stage 3, 4, and 5 students. This provided an excellent opportunity for Secondary Students to explore new literary adventures.

Each day of the week in Secondary there was a Mystery Teacher Reader, where special guest-star teachers read their favourite passages from books in the library after lunch. Also during the week at Secondary, students were engaged in quiz competitions, reading circles, and poster hunts, promoting reading and literacy. Winners were rewarded with prizes, commendations, and bake vouchers!

In each of the Primary and Secondary libraries, students had the chance to recreate the front cover of a book, either individually, in pairs, or in small groups, earning house points for their creativity and participation.

Overall, the 2024 BISP Book Week was a celebration of the power of books to inspire, educate, and transport readers of all ages into worlds beyond imagination. Through a diverse range of activities, students were encouraged to explore the magic of literature, fostering a lifelong love for reading.