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On Tuesday, March 12th, Mrs. Tucker (Primary Librarian/Tech Integrator) and Mr. Clark (Senior School Head of Computing/Tech Integrator) hosted a dynamic parent presentation on Robotics at BISP. The session showcased how robotics is woven throughout the BISP’s curriculum and after-school activities, bringing together the exciting worlds of engineering and computer science. Parents were introduced to the progression of robots used, starting with the simple VEX models and culminating in more complex ones. This interactive session wasn’t just informative; it was hands-on! Parents got to experience the thrill of building and programming some of the robots themselves, just like their children do in class. A big thank you to the student experts from both primary and senior schools who provided fantastic support!

Thereafter, the presentation delved deeper, showcasing the rapid advancements in robotics across various industries. This glimpse into the future highlighted the exciting opportunities that await BISP students as they graduate and enter the workforce. By familiarising students with robotics, BISP equips them with valuable skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration – skills that are increasingly sought after in today’s job market. This exposure not only develops a passion for engineering and computer science but also prepares them for careers at the forefront of technological innovation.

Watch the following video to learn more about Technology in the Primary School at BISP